License 1 for listening only €0.99
License 2 modification and resale possible €30

Purifica 432Hz Music | Clean your home of negative energy | Isochronous and binaural beats
€0.99 – €30.00
Year of creation: 2023
On the YouTube channel: View
For the purchase of the mp3 you get two versions (orginal and long).
Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energies | 432Hz Music | Binaural Beats, Isochrone and Binaural Mixing
Steps to clear your home of negative energies.
1- Light a candle with the intention of purifying your home
2- If you have white sage light it, otherwise place a bowl containing salt near the candle
3- Ask the universe to purify your home
4- Put the music “Purifica” at low volume
5- When the music is over thank the universe, throw the salt in nature
6- Repeat the steps for the additional parts
The file includes 2 versions of mp3
Original version of 7m30
6 hour remixed version
Cleanse your home of negative energy : Compositions, well-being and relaxing
3OAKSMUSIC your specialist in isochrone and binaural beat selects the best frequencies for your comfort and development of cleaning your home of negative energies. The experience assures you a letting go and relaxation to cleanse your home of quality negative energies. We work with the best composers and creators to guarantee you a moment of deep and peaceful relaxation on all our tracks of cleanse your house of negative energies: binaural, purify your house, 432 hertz, etc.
Tips, Blog, Isochronous Forum & Binaural Beat
Our team is enriched by your experiences, the advanced knowledge of your development and our music (432hz, home purification, energy cleaning). To optimize these exchanges which benefit everyone in Isochrone and binaural beat, we plan to launch with you a forum specialized in Clean your house of negative energies in order to concentrate the best processes and extract synthetic articles within a blog. We could all quickly benefit from online support from experts in Cleanse your home of negative energies. This blog in Cleanse your house of negative energies will evolve as the experience gathered.
Online sale Clean your home of negative energy
Our store offers a wide selection of the best music: Binaural, Purify your home, 432 hertz. Thus your relaxation Clean your house of negative energies will be better realized and more durable. 3OAKSMUSIC poses as a real expert in Isochrone and binaural beats and accompanies you throughout your meditation to increase your frequencies and vibrations. You are invited to contact our customer service for any question relating to your Isochrone and binaural beat project.
Licence | Licence 1, Licence 2 |